September 20, 2024

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Free All Political Prisoners!

Free All Political Prisoners!

Free All Political Prisoners

Grant General, unconditional and omnibus amnesty to all


General, unconditional and omnibus amnesty

General means all political prisoners, alleged political offenders or others as defined in the preceding paragraph and covered by the effectivity of an amnesty proclamation.

Unconditional means no precondition is set before they can be released. They will not have to go through the tedious application process and will not be required to plead guilty or make any admissions. They only need to be covered by the definition and effectivity of the Proclamation. The operative act to effect their immediate release is their inclusion in a pre-screened list and mere acceptance of the General, Unconditional and Omnibus Amnesty Proclamation.

Omnibus means that all charges or offenses as defined in the Proclamation are covered by the amnesty.

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Defend Human Rights

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